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Event Planning Just Got Easier With UberEVENTS


What is UberEVENTS?

Uber has a knack for introducing various services that add color to consumer experience. All services introduced by Uber aim at making commuting from one place to the other easier. UberEVENTS is an innovative product in the world of Uber services. With UberEVENTS, say good riddance to worrying over getting your guests to your party on time or wondering if your event hosts got lost en-route. Those days are now over. 

UberEVENTS enables party hosts and planners plan the easy and safe arrival of guests. Uber released a statement on their blog saying: “UberEVENTS allows event organizers and party planners to purchase guest passes for their event attendees. Event hosts can set date, time, and location parameters, granting their guests credit off trips to their event. Hosts will only pay for the guest passes used by their guests.”

Uber announced this service sometime in September 2015. Allowing event organizers to book rides ahead for their guests is a good way to make the world of event planning easier. Even more, it saves the guests the trouble of getting themselves down to the event venue. Uber first launched this service in New York and weeks later, it was opened to all in the US.


How it Works

Before this, there was no way people could purchase rides for others. As stated earlier, these rides are purchased in the form of guest passes, ahead of time for attendees. Uber even allows event organizers to customize the guest pass with a date, time or even a promotion code (if they wish). To use the passes, guests just enter the codes and voila! Access to ride is granted.

As Uber’s Senior Marketing Manager, Kimiko Ninomiya wrote on the Uber blog, “When planning a company happy hour, client appreciation dinner, or even upcoming nuptials, there is a lot that goes into ensuring that your event goes off without a hitch—including how your guests can safely get to and from without any fuss… we want to make the experience of planning transportation logistics as seamless as ordering a ride at the touch of a button.”


Public Reception

UberEVENTS has met with tremendous success since its launch with over 500 events booked through the platform. These events range from house warming parties of 20 attendees to conferences with over 1,500 attendees.

This is a great advantage for Uber drivers as drivers now know where to be to get rides. Before the pre-booked event ends, Uber alerts drivers that a certain event is wrapping up which prompts a high demand for rides to pick up party guests.

We hope to see this service spread to the other countries and cities where Uber is operational.

For people (Uber Drivers and Uber Passengers) that wish to utilize this new feature(UberEvents).   Start by downloading the Uber app  on your personal phones . You can learn how to do this here.


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2 thoughts on “Event Planning Just Got Easier With UberEVENTS”

  1. Nice post thanks for sharing such a wonderful information keep sharing like this post

    1. Thanks, do check out our other posts.

      Best Regards,

      Joseph for uberkit.net support.


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