Uber is a comfortable way to ride for cheap. Request a ride using the Uber app downloaded on your phone, select a service and then wait for your driver to arrive. The Uber service is convenient and you can relax while the driver worries about getting you to your destination in record time. However, Uber doesn’t have all answers to your travel questions. This is why it is important to have backup apps that can act as companions to the Uber app. These backup apps are must-have apps that will help you travel smartly. See them below:
The Kommen mobile app is the best option for people who want to book Uber ahead as they travel to different cities. Uber doesn’t allow you schedule a ride ahead in every Uber market and this is where the Kommen app comes in. Kommen is an android based app that lets you schedule Uber 15 minutes ahead to 30 days away. Download the kommen app by visiting http://www.trykommen.com/. Once this is done, log into the app with your Uber app sign on details. Follow the easy prompts and schedule your Uber ride as needed.
This app is great for workaholics who do not have their phone handy. This app is simply Uber for your Mac. Download passenger which saves a shortcut on your Mac’s menu bar. This way, you don’t have to leave your computer while working. Request an Uber mid work and even work till the last minute. Since Passenger is integrated with the official Uber API, you will receive a notification once your ride arrives.
I remember using an Uber and the driver told me that the GPS function on his phone wasn’t working. We ended up stuck in traffic. It’s important to have apps that can show you the best routes to take and get you to your destination in the shortest time. With Waze, get real time updates about traffic, accidents, roadwork and ways to skirt delays on the road due to tips given by other Waze app users. For an optimal road experience, Waze uses your location to help you navigate the road.
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