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Uber Car Requirements: 90 Uber SUV Vehicles Analyzed



Thanks for reading! In response to a lot of emails we get, we wrote this blog post, and created the table below this post listing our analysis of 90 SUVs that we examined for the Uber SUV service. If you would prefer just to look at the list of “Uber SUV” vehicles we analyzed:   go here

As a potential Uber SUV Driver or Entrepreneur, you probably know that you can make money on the platform, but you also know that keeping your costs low can make all the difference between making a good profit and making very little money after costs. The largest cost you are in direct control of that impacts profits/ROI (return on investment) is the vehicle you use: Whether you are an Uber Driver or an Entrepreneur managing a fleet of drivers, the vehicle you select is of paramount importance.


Uber Car Requirements: What Uber SUV Should I Buy?

Below we list the cars we believe are the best for the Uber SUV service. We also explain the reasons for our decisions.

The two cars our team liked, in decreasing order of preference are:

Toyota Sequoia, 2006 Model

  • MSRP – $10,531
  • Estimated depreciation per year –13%
  • MPG – 15 Miles per gallon
  • Estimated cost of Gas per year – $7,467 (at $2.8 per Gallon)
  • Typical Mileage – 115,469 Miles
  • KBB (Kelly Blue Book) rating – N/A


Nissan Armada, 2006 Model

  • MSRP – $10,139
  • Estimated depreciation per year – 5%
  • MPG – 14 Miles per gallon
  • Estimated cost of Gas per year – $8,000 (at $2.8 per Gallon)
  • Typical Mileage – 121,469 Miles
  • KBB (Kelly Blue Book) rating – N/A

Note -The Loaded Cost  =[Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) + Estimated Gas Cost for a year  + Estimated depreciation after 1 year]


We liked the Toyota Sequoia 2006 overall not because of any one thing in particular. Now you probably ask why we even picked a 2006 model vehicle especially since Uber typically doesn’t allow vehicles over 10 years on their platform (we are cutting it pretty close). SUVs as a rule of thumb are expensive (as you can see from the list at the bottom of this post), as such to keep the costs low, there are three primary things we looked at:

  1. The estimated depreciation – For example if you buy a brand new Cadillac Escalade, you can lose as much as 35% of its value in the first year.
  2. The dependability of the vehicle – As a rule of thumb, Toyotas are dependable vehicles and that is why we selected the Toyota Sequoia.
  3. When to plan to sell the vehicle – SUVs are so expensive that trying to get one under 65k miles at a reasonable cost that would make sense from a business perspective is next to impossible. Hence, we selected SUVs that were over 65k miles. Note- If you do get a vehicle that is over 65k miles, plan to sell after a year.

The Nissan Armada, 2006 was also a good pick for Uber SUV because of similar reasons as the Toyota Sequoia 2006; however its fuel efficiency is a little lower than the Toyota Sequoia (14MPG compared to the Sequoia’s 15MPG).  Note – if buying a vehicle over 65,000 miles, make sure that a thorough inspection of the vehicle is done. Also, request for proof of maintenance done over the years.

See the full table below to examine the 90 SUVs that were used in our analysis.


Uber ServiceVehicle MakeVehicle ModelModel YearEst. MSRPEst. DepreciationMPGCost of Gas per YrEst. Maintenance CostsLOADED Car CostTypical MileageKBB Ratings(/10)
UberSUVFordExpedition2006$5,159 34%14.00 MPG$8,000 $3,080 $18,327 121,469 MilesN/A
UberSUVChevroletTahoe2006$9,276 30%N/A$5,600 $3,080 $21,360 112,220 MilesN/A
UberSUVNissanArmada2006$10,139 5%14.00 MPG$8,000 $3,080 $22,383 121,469 MilesN/A
UberSUVLincolnNavigator2006$10,507 25%N/A$5,600 $3,080 $22,494 121,469 MilesN/A
UberSUVToyotaSequoia2006$10,531 13%15.00 MPG$7,467 $3,080 $22,788 115,469 MilesN/A
UberSUVNissanArmada2007$11,724 5%14.00 MPG$8,000 $3,080 $24,038 112,589 MilesN/A
UberSUVGMCYukon2006$9,754 37%16.00 MPG$7,000 $3,080 $24,122 112,220 MilesN/A
UberSUVToyotaSequoia2007$12,109 13%15.00 MPG$7,467 $3,080 $24,918 106,942 MilesN/A
UberSUVFordExpedition2007$10,337 34%15.00 MPG$7,467 $3,080 $25,148 112,589 MilesN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX2006$15,426 9%14.00 MPG$8,000 $3,080 $28,654 121,469 MilesN/A
UberSUVLincolnNavigator2007$14,366 25%14.00 MPG$8,000 $3,080 $29,812 112,589 MilesN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX2007$17,000 9%14.00 MPG$8,000 $3,080 $30,271 112,589 MilesN/A
UberSUVCadillacEscalade2006$13,763 35%14.00 MPG$8,000 $3,080 $30,352 112,220 MilesN/A
UberSUVCadillacEscalade_ESV2006$14,196 33%14.00 MPG$8,000 $3,080 $30,960 121,469 MilesN/A
UberSUVMercedes-BenzGL-Class2007$18,431 15%20.00 MPG$5,600 $3,080 $30,987 106,942 MilesN/A
UberSUVChevroletTahoe2007$16,015 30%16.00 MPG$7,000 $3,080 $31,810 104,001 MilesN/A
UberSUVGMCYukon2007$17,672 37%16.00 MPG$7,000 $3,080 $35,230 104,001 MilesN/A
UberSUVCadillacEscalade_ESV2007$22,862 33%14.00 MPG$8,000 $3,080 $42,665 112,589 MilesN/A
UberSUVCadillacEscalade2007$23,070 35%14.00 MPG$8,000 $3,080 $43,284 104,001 MilesN/A
UberSUVNissanArmada2015$32,824 5%14.00 MPG$8,000 $800$44,700 13,259 Miles6.5
UberSUVNissanArmada2014$34,198 5%15.00 MPG$7,467 $995$45,753 28,426 Miles6.6
UberSUVInfinitiQX602014$35,709 9%21.00 MPG$5,333 $800$47,270 21,991 Miles7.9
UberSUVFordExpedition2014$29,911 34%15.00 MPG$7,467 $995$50,594 28,426 MilesN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX602015$39,124 9%22.00 MPG$5,091 $800$50,529 11,346 Miles7.8
UberSUVGMCYukon2014$31,979 37%17.00 MPG$6,588 $862$53,137 26,096 MilesN/A
UberSUVChevroletTahoe2014$34,313 30%17.00 MPG$6,588 $862$54,510 26,096 Miles7.4
UberSUVToyotaSequoia2014$39,419 13%14.00 MPG$8,000 $864$55,411 26,116 MilesN/A
UberSUVFordExpedition2015$36,703 34%17.00 MPG$6,588 $800$59,022 13,259 MilesN/A
UberSUVChevroletSuburban2015$43,279 N/A18.00 MPG$6,222 $800$61,240 13,259 MilesN/A
UberSUVChevroletTahoe2015$41,585 30%18.00 MPG$6,222 $800$63,895 12,056 MilesN/A
UberSUVGMCYukon_XL2015$45,859 N/A18.00 MPG$6,222 $800$64,639 13,259 MilesN/A
UberSUVChevroletTahoe2016$48,195 14%18.00 MPG$6,222 $800$65,103 0 MilesN/A
UberSUVLincolnNavigator2014$43,206 25%15.00 MPG$7,467 $995$65,220 28,426 Miles7
UberSUVGMCYukon2015$44,962 37%16.00 MPG$7,000 $800$72,206 12,056 MilesN/A
UberSUVMercedes-BenzGL-Class2014$55,940 15%22.00 MPG$5,091 $864$72,993 26,116 Miles7.2
UberSUVMercedes-BenzGL-Class2016$64,525 -2%22.00 MPG$5,091 $800$73,327 0 Miles7
UberSUVInfinitiQX802014$55,746 14%16.00 MPG$7,000 $864$74,919 26,116 Miles7.2
UberSUVCadillacEscalade2014$49,575 35%15.00 MPG$7,467 $862$79,300 26,096 Miles6.4
UberSUVLincolnNavigator2015$56,540 25%17.00 MPG$6,588 $800$81,146 13,259 Miles6.9
UberSUVCadillacEscalade_ESV2014$53,159 33%14.00 MPG$8,000 $995$82,670 28,426 Miles6.4
UberSUVLincolnNavigator2016$64,285 12%18.00 MPG$6,222 $800$83,207 0 Miles6.8
UberSUVInfinitiQX802015$64,553 14%16.00 MPG$7,000 $800$85,644 11,550 Miles7.1
UberSUVFordExpedition2016$56,000 34%18.00 MPG$6,222 $800$85,709 0 MilesN/A
UberSUVMercedes-BenzGL-Class2015$66,113 15%22.00 MPG$5,091 $800$85,626 11,550 Miles7.1
UberSUVCadillacEscalade2015$70,478 35%17.00 MPG$6,588 $800$106,830 12,056 MilesN/A
UberSUVCadillacEscalade_ESV2015$74,662 33%16.00 MPG$7,000 $800$111,483 13,259 MilesN/A
UberSUVCadillacEscalade2016N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVCadillacEscalade_ESV2016N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVCadillacEscalade_Hybrid2016N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVCadillacEscalade_Hybrid2015N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVCadillacEscalade_Hybrid2014N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVCadillacEscalade_Hybrid2007N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVCadillacEscalade_Hybrid2006N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVChevroletSuburban2016N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVChevroletSuburban2014N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVChevroletSuburban2007N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVChevroletSuburban2006N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVChevroletTahoe_Hybrid2016N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVChevroletTahoe_Hybrid2015N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVChevroletTahoe_Hybrid2014N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVChevroletTahoe_Hybrid2007N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVChevroletTahoe_Hybrid2006N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVGMCYukon2016N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVGMCYukon_Hybrid2016N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVGMCYukon_Hybrid2015N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVGMCYukon_Hybrid2014N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVGMCYukon_Hybrid2007N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVGMCYukon_Hybrid2006N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVGMCYukon_XL2016N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVGMCYukon_XL2014N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVGMCYukon_XL2007N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVGMCYukon_XL2006N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX2016N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX2015N/A9%N/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX2014N/A9%N/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX562016N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX562015N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX562014N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX562007N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX562006N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX602016N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX602007N/A9%N/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX602006N/A9%N/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX802016N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX802007N/A14%N/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVInfinitiQX802006N/A14%N/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVMercedes-BenzGL-Class2006N/A15%N/A$5,600 $3,080 N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVNissanArmada2016N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVToyotaSequoia2016N/AN/AN/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A
UberSUVToyotaSequoia2015N/A13%N/A$5,600 $800N/AN/AN/A


Other links:

Note -See our other posts on some of the Other Uber services below-




Note -For Uber Drivers and Entrepreneurs who have not downloaded our kit(s), we provide a vast amount of professionally vetted information and business analysis that will help you run a successful uber business.


Disclaimer-The vehicles listed above should be good for most cities; however, before purchasing any vehicle, it is paramount that you verify it is approved for the Uber program in your city. We have put a lot of research into this; however you as the business owner are ultimately responsible for the decision you make for your Uber Business.



6 thoughts on “Uber Car Requirements: 90 Uber SUV Vehicles Analyzed”

  1. Pingback: 23 Reasons Why Your Car Cannot Be Used For Uber
    1. Hello John,

      Uber dose not give out contact info, you need to visit your local uber office for inquiries about uberBlack.

      Good Luck!

      Joseph for uberkit.net support.


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