Driving an Uber is quickly becoming one of the quickest and easiest ways to make extra money. However, many people are unsure of how they can become an Uber driver in countries other than the U.S, e.g. in Australia. If you are considering Uber in any city (in Australia) where Uber is available, then this blog post is for you- i.e.: ADELAIDE, BRISBANE, GEELONG, GOLD COAST, MELBOURNE, PERTH, and SYDNEY
Fortunately, it isn’t as complicated a process as you would think. Let’s go over the steps you will need to take to successfully become an Uber driver in Australia.
STEP 1 – Get your Documents Ready
First of all, you will need to prepare a few documents that are essential for you to have before you become an Uber driver. These documents include:
- A Driver’s License, for the city in question
- Must be a valid license
- Cannot be a probationary/temporary drivers license
- Ensure the expiry date is clearly visible in the scanned copy
- Vehicle insurance document (if you already have a car you intend to use)
- You (driver) must be the holder, or at least a listed driver
- Ensure the vehicle registration number is listed
- Must clearly show a valid expiration date
- Must show the type of insurance
- A passport or birth certificate
- If passport, cannot be expired for more than 2 years
- A photograph of you (the driver)
- Make sure it is a clean headshot, with facial features visible.
- Make sure the photograph is professional
- Do not send a photo of your car to uber
- A Driver’s Accreditation (taxi license), if available
STEP 2 – Signup Online
Once you have all of these documents, the next step is to sign up through the Uber website – using our link: uberkit.net/signup. (You get a signup bonus if you use our link, which has our signup referral code already pre-populated).
STEP 3 – Wait for Uber Background Checks
Uber will typically take up to two weeks to perform their background checks. Specifically they will take the documents provided in Step 1, and do the following.
- A Criminal History Check
- A Driving History Check
STEP 4 – Get an Uber Approved Car
As for the vehicle to use, you need to make sure it fits the car requirements specifically for Uber drivers in Australia (or your specific city). Note – Uber has various services, so you should know which service you are interested in before buying a car (if you do not have one). See the section below on “Selecting an Uber Service” for more information on that. Some of these requirements include the fact that the car should be no older than 10 years (A model 2006 or later). The car should also have no major cosmetic damage.
Salvaged or rebuilt vehicles cannot be used, and full-size vans or marked vehicles such as taxis are a no-no, too.
What to Do if Your Vehicle Does Not Fit Uber Requirements
Keep in mind, there is no need to give up, if your personal vehicle does not fit the requirements that are necessary for an Uber vehicle—in fact, many people tend to invest in a new car before becoming professional Uber drivers.
However, I would recommend not going overboard when you are purchasing a new car to be used as an Uber vehicle. It is a good idea to select an average but sturdy car that is not a particularly new or fancy model but fits Uber’s car requirements. Note – See the “Nice to Know” section for due diligence you should probably do, before buying a car specifically for Uber.
Selecting an Uber Service
Another thing to keep in mind when you are selecting a car is which category of Uber you wish to work under.
UberX is the mid-tier cost Uber service, and it also gets the most patronage from Uber passengers across the globe for this reason. This is the category I would recommend starting out with.UberX requires an everyday car such as a Toyota Prius, Honda Accord, Mazda3 or Mazda6, Honda Civic, Chevrolet Malibu, Chevrolet Cruz, etc.
However, if you want to go for one of the more luxurious categories which have higher fares but fewer customers, then you can also go for UberXL, UberBLACK or UberSUV. Just keep in mind that these services require more expensive cars and are not as frequently used by the public.
If your car happens to qualify for more than one type of Uber service, then it is possible that you get requests from several categories, but you can choose to restrict yourself to one category if that is what you want. Personally, I believe that it would be best to accept all the requests, in this case, as it will earn you a higher income.
Nice to Know
If you want to become an Uber driver in Australia, it is necessary to be aware of the fact that you will be forking over a certain amount of money to pay for gas.
In addition to the afore-mentioned you have other costs like car maintenance, insurance costs, car depreciation, and uber royalties. If you are looking to do proper due diligence before acquiring a car and want to assess the profitability of Uber as a business whether as a one man business (a sole Uber driver), or as an Entrepreneur with multiple Uber cars in his/her fleet, then download our Uber kit at the top right of the linked page.
That sums up everything you need to know to get started as an Uber driver in Australia. While there are a few steps you will need to take before you get started, it isn’t as difficult of a process as you might think.
Other Interesting Uber Related Posts
For our blog posts on some of Uber’s Services, see the links below:
For other popular posts you might be interested in, check the links below:
- How Much Do Uber Drivers Make?
- How to Verify Your Uber Revenue
- How to Find the Highest UberX Fares
- How to Become an Uber Driver (In the US)
- Uber Customer Service
For posts that are related to Uber in Australia, check the links below:
- List of Uber Approved Cars in Adelaide, Australia
- List of Uber Approved Cars in Brisbane,Australia
- List of Uber Approved Cars in Geelong,Australia
- List of Uber Approved Cars in Gold Coast,Australia
- List of Uber Approved Cars in Melbourne,Australia
- List of Uber Approved Cars in Perth,Australia
- List of Uber Approved Cars in Sydney,Australia
Hi, I live in South Australia Adelaide and interested in driving uber black. I just want to know that the following documents I currently have a full South Australian drivers licence, police clearance, Adelaide knowledge test certificate. I am also a permanent residence of Australia. Am I eligible to drive uberblack? Please let me know by emailing me on amis@******. Thanks
Check your email
sir I am very happy to u because u stand in Australia
I want to become an uber driver and want to know whether I qualify. I had my p licence for a year then a full license for another year. I am a permanent resident. Do I need to bring my overseas licence to be eligible. I am in Queensland
I think you should be OK. Just go through the approval process and see what they say. It doesn’t cost you anything. I would like to hear your experience during the approval process. If you don’t mind sharing your results when you are done on the blog?
Hi, I would like to become an Uber driver but I’m currently on a good behaviour bond, I just wanted to know if that would affect my chances of getting accepted.
You might want to email uber in your city to confirm. I know for a fact that felon’s generally don’t get hired on the Uber platform (if the felony is on their criminal background report), but your case, i am unfamiliar with. (See http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-customer-service).
Please let us know what they say, i think other people would like to know also.
I am an intentional student in Melbourne. Am i eligible to drive for uber?
You need work permission (aside from having a student visa) to work as an international student in Australia (see http://www.internationalstudent.com/study_australia/working/student-visa-rules/). Per approval to drive for Uber, i doubt you would be eligible. You should send an email to your international students department, and Uber Melbourne support (See http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-customer-service) before driving for Uber. Let us know how everything works out, and what you find out.
Will I be able to drive uber if I have 2 penalty points?
You should be able to. Let us know how your application process goes. I am interested in finding out how everything works out.
I have new australian open licence in goldcoast. but i have 4 year old overseas licence. I have also general da. Can i drive uber or not?
The short answer is “NO”. The long answer: Per Uber – “At this time, all uberX partners must have held a full Australian licence for at least 12 months”. Sorry, maybe Uber will change their policy in Australia in the near future, but for now that is what it is.
I am a international student in Australia. Can i be the member of Uber in SYD, Australia?
You need work permission (aside from having a student visa) to work as an international student in Australia (see http://www.internationalstudent.com/study_australia/working/student-visa-rules/). Per approval to drive for Uber, i doubt you would be eligible. You should send an email to your international students department, and Uber SYD support (See http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-customer-service) before driving for Uber. Let us know how everything works out, and what you find out.
Can I work for Uber with an International drivers licence?
Per Uber Australia as at May 19th 2016 – “We [do not] accept any International, Probationary, or Provisional licenses. We hope you understand”. Sorry!
Hi, can I start drive with Uber with international driving license or do I need have an austalian driving license ? Thank you
Per Uber Australia as at May 19th 2016 – “We [do not] accept any International, Probationary, or Provisional licenses. We hope you understand”. Sorry!
How does uber benifit from each driver that links into their system? Does uber take a percentage of what the individual is making
, if so how is it subsidised? why does uber require such a vast amount of personal documentation. I have never heard of such a vast amount of documentation needed as a prerequisite when applying for a job , especially one as basic as uber. The job description is a clear indication that such documentation required simply doesn’t make sensein relation to such a basic job description? Lastly as i am giving uber such personal and such a vast amount of documentation which is transmitted online , how do I know that this documentation is safe , where is it stored and for such documentation required I would no doubt believe that my absolute safety would be of priority while transporting customers and that Iberia would have a tracking and/or emergency protocol in case of an emergency. Pls tell me about this protocol if it is within ubers policy and procedures as this would be the deal breaker for myself personally.
Thank you
As a 3rd party in the ridesharing space, what i can say is that Uber or any company putting drivers on their platform, has to be sure that they know who they are, they are not criminals and are also licensed to drive. I think this is for your safety as well as the drivers. Good luck! #uberon.
Dear Malik Akande, I am Brazilian and I am going to study early next year in Australia in Gold Coast. It is common knowledge that the student visa give us permission to work 20 hours a week and on holidays the full period. In my case I am Uber driver in Brazil. In Australia I will be with my license to drive in Brazil. I swear the option to leave or have to leave my country with the international license. I see that Uber also has some weaknesses to understand the many cases of people who are studying in Australia. If available follow my doubts. Can I drive with my Brazilian license ?? If you have to turn it in international can drive? At another time the license is certified, can I drive? What time required license? I being a registered Uber in Brazil do not help me qualify as Uber in Australia? Summarizing the problem I want to get in Australia, but precisely in Gold Coast and have the right to drive. Since the Uber can not take away the right of immigrants can not get permission to drive like Uber. If you can reply by email [email protected] otherwise can answer for here. I thank you for your attention. Thank you
Hello Gustavo – Per Uber Australia as at May 19th 2016 – “We [do not] accept any International, Probationary, or Provisional licenses. We hope you understand”. Sorry
i converted my korean driving license to WA license on 22 march 2016.. presently i have Green P, provisional to 18th September 2016.
so can i drive UBER after 16th September 2016. please confirm.
Per your question about your Korean drivers license being converted to an Australian drivers license, you might want to wait for that to happen before you apply to be an uber driver-partner
Can a uber driver be listed in more than one city e.g. Gold coast and Brisbane (and may be Sydney as well) because the nature of his job requires the driver to frequently travel among these cities and stay for certain periods (2weeks) in each of them?
The response i got from Uber Brisbane was “No” as at July 6th 2016. Things might change later, but for now, that seems like it is not allowed
Hi, just wana know that can I drive uber in Brisbane with my fresh Australian license? I am from India and have full time work rights.im here for last 2years and was driving my car on my international license but now I have my Australian license,just 2weeks older.
Your license needs to be at least 1 year old.
I’d be very grateful if you could inform me about how to transfer an overseas driver’s licence (FRANCE).
I’m french and studying opportunities and faisabilities to work in Australia as a Uber driver.
I need a NSW driver’s licence but how could I get it with my french licence? It is just a simple transfer when I’m coming there, and I just wait one year with my new NSW driver’s licence? No exam?
Many thanks for your help.
I would suggest visiting the department of transport website of the state you plan to move to. Some overseas licenses are transferable but you would have to find out for your own particular case. For example, Western Australia allows overseas transfer of licenses for some countries. You should find the one for you particular state.
Good Luck!
Hi there,
I have a valid full new Zealand driver’s license can I start driving for uber ?
What city & country do you plan to drive for Uber?
Hi Malik
I’m on full New Zealand driver licence want to drive über in Melbourne, I applied for Australian DL but do I have to wait for 1 year or we are special case as New Zealander .
Yes, you have to wait at least a year
Do you know much about the details as far as setting up your insurance when becoming an Uber driver (I’m an Australian citizen currently in the process of applying to be a driver in Newcastle, NSW Australia)? It seems to be a very unclear component of the whole Uber driver career so any information on it would be great!
We have a post here however it is probably more relevant to Uber drivers in the United States. Hopefully that at least helps for now.
I have 8 year old overseas full driving license. However last month I got my NSW full driving license is it possible to become uber driver with this license ?
From Uber – “At this time, all uberX partners must have held a full [drivers] licence for at least 12 months. Feel free to write in to us when you have held your licence for the appropriate amount of time”.
I have a Victoria licence with green number plate.
I just wanna know. That can I drive ubar with that licence.
Send an email to uber support for your city in Victoria with a photo of the document and they will let you know if it is valid for your account application. This is the email for melbourne – [email protected]
Hi, I have 13 years european driving licence and I have new driving licence from Qeensland. Can I drive Uber?
From Uber – “At this time, all uberX partners must have held a full [drivers] licence for at least 12 months. Feel free to write in to us when you have held your licence for the appropriate amount of time”.
I have a full British License and want to sign up for Uber X in Melbourne Australia. Do I need to convert to a VIC license before singing up?
hello, what is the next stop once your car has got the all clear? do you need to go back into uber or do they just email you how to use the app? or whats the go? TIA
Once you become approved to drive for Uber, you are all clear. You just need to
a) Make sure your car is clean
b) You have the right equipment to do a pickup: http://uberkit.net/blog/equipment-uber-drivers-need/
c) Muster enough courage to do a pickup.
You should get an email or something similar from Uber with a video on how to pickup your first ride. There are a lot of pretty instructive videos on that on youtube.
Yes, you have to wait 1 year.
Hi, I would like to become am Uber driver but i have 11 points against my license, a few clearing next March, most of them are minor offences. Could i still qualify for Uber?
thank you
Sorry, all of them are minor offences
You should be ok, as long as you meet the 1 year requirement and they are not felonies. You can email Uber in your city to see if there are any specific additional requirements for your city though (See: http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-customer-service to contact your local Uber city office) .
I am interested in working as Uber driver. I have WA driving license less than a year and i am 457 working visa holder. Am i eligible working as uber driver as i am 457 visa holder?
The short answer is No (and for two reasons). a)You are not allowed to drive for Uber on that visa, (b) Also by your own admission, you don’t have at least 1 year driving history (which is required).
Hi. I am 28 years old and iI have 11 months old full victorian license, am i eligible to drive uber in victoria?
You are almost there, you need to have had your license for at least 1 year.
I want to drive uber in wa . I have one month old wa license and holding 6 years old my home country license . Can I drive uber.
Your drivers license needs to be at least 1 year old to drive for Uber in WA. Sorry :(.
if your license is a recognized overseas territory than it should be acceptable so i would check transport dept thats the understanding they gave me as your license experience is transferred over.
What if the overseas country is India? Is the overseas license recognised if it’s a 15 yr old Indian driver’s license? Please suggest.
Best Regards,
Hi ! My uber account was permently deactivated! Because of the lower rates ! I am Muslim driver ! Is it possible I drive on some ones contract ? Or is there have any way can drive again !
Take a look at our post here – http://uberkit.net/blog/how-to-reactivate-your-uber-driver-account/. Hopefully that helps. Hopefully you can get re-activated. let us know how it goes.
Hi i am interested to become an uber driver (victoria) but my car is model 2005 with 108,000 km will i be eligible to become uber driver?
Your car is too old; however you can still be an uber driver. You just need to get another car.
Thank you for the quick reply. I am planning to buy a 2007 Honda civic. If I buy it next year, will it be still eligible to be a Uber car?
Hi, I’m planning to go back to Gold Coast soon, I lived there for 3 years (7 years ago) at that time I was a taxi driver held a driver authorization and a Driver’s license, however i left Australia and kept driving in my home country – Brazil with a local license, now my old QLD drivers licence was expired on 2011, which means 5 years ago. By the law I can´t renew it, I will need to take the test again.
Anyway by getting the new license now, do i still need to wait for 1 year?
Tercio Almeida
You should be fine, if you show proof of your old drivers license.
Thank you very much !!!
Hi I am Uber Driver in WA. I have been driver since last four months. For job reasons I am moving to Sydney or Melbourne. Can I drive Uber there. My drivers licence is full and 8 years older Australian. 5 years in Canberra ACT (Australia) and 3 Years in WA Australia. Can I drive in Sydney or Melbourne with approved Car or I have again to wait for One year to get my licence old in the city. Please guide
Per Uber Sydney as at 09/22/2016- “At this time, all uberX partners in NSW must have held a full NSW licence for at least 12 months”. Sorry, it looks like there is no exception even in your case.
I have a full NSW driver’s licence and my wife is an international student for a master degree. Am I eligible to drive Uber in Adelaide?
Also, our car is NSW registered. Is our car eligible to be used as a Uber car?
send us an email at [email protected]. It looks like you have a couple of questions. Someone will respond to your question(s).
Hi Malek, have a DUI over 7 years ago,(first and last driving offence) but back then I’m using my international licence, after a year, I get my full NSW licence and since then. I have no driving offence. I’m I going to have issue with this?
Now, I just moved Melbourne 2 months ago. I have my VIC license for 3 weeks now. Looking to do some UBER on my free time.
Your license needs to be at least 1 year old
I am not sure about this one, i would say email your local support city (http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-customer-service ) to find out answers to your question.
will a Nissan Tiida 2006 be ok for UberX?
No sorry
Hi if you have a low range DUI from over 10 years ago will this be an issue?
If it is not considered a felony, you should be fine. I hope that answers your question. You can always email Uber in your city to confirm. (See http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-customer-service)
I wish to become an Uber driver. I dont have a car? any Opportunity?
You can simply rent an Uber approved vehicle through various car leasing programs such as Uber Xchange, Breeze, and Flexdrive. You can read ( http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-car-lease/ ) For more information.
I am migrating to Australia in January, I hold a Uk full licence since 2012, can I convert it to Australian licence and drive Uber.
Looking forward for your reply
Yes you can Ali. You can check this link for more information. http://melbourne.ubermovement.com/driver-accreditation/
I am driver here in Kuwait trailer driver I am 10 year to drive here Kuwait Saudia bar in Qatar I want job driving 0096550176746 is my contact number please contact me
Hello Rana,
Use this link to sign up for uber – (uberkit.net/signup) if you dont have a car when creating your account, select that you need a car, once you’re approved visit a local uber office in your city and apply for lease to get a car.
Joseph for uberkit.net support.
Hi, i am interested to become a uber driver. I am currently holding a 6 months old full vic license, i wanna know whether am eligible to become uber driver or not. Please reply, thanks in advance.
Yes you are
Even I am in the same position what are the steps to get into uberx with six months old Vic license
To drive an Uber, you must have had your Australian open licence for over 12 months
I recently moved to sydney and i have 457 temporary skilled visa- dependent. I only have overseas license.
can i drive with Uber ?
If No – what do i need to do?
Please guide
No i’m sorry.
I am registered as an uber driver in Townsville Queensland and I am just wondering if uber still has interest in starting up in Townsville and if yes can you give me a timeframe please ?
I am not sure about this one, i would say email your local support city (http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-customer-service) to find out answers to your question.
I have held Macedonian full driving license since 2009, and have obtained a full NSW driving license a month ago. Does my macedonian driving license count towards the 12 month license requirement or i will have to wait for 11 months before i can drive? I have been in Australia since 2011 and have been eligible to use that license.
No. Sorry
Hi, any updates about drivers with international license?
hi im niroshan im curently have student visa holder allso i have iternational licience so is it posible to join uber can be work as a part time
My driver licence is just 5 month … can i drive uber in melbourne
You must have held a current driver licence for a minimum period of 6 months. Well, you have just a month left to be eligible for Uber. Goodluck
I have been driving in Australia with an overseas drivers licence (India) for 3 years.
And i got my full unrestricted Victorian drivers licence on 19th January , 2016(9 months old). so i am not sure whether i am eligible to drive Uber or not .
if you could let me know that would be great.
Kind Regards,
Your license needs to be at least 1 year old.
HI ,
I live in Victoria. I have full licences for more than 6 years but I had a 1 month suspension about 6 years ago. Do you think that I can pass the background check? how long back do they check for the clearance?
You should be fine. Background checks should take about 2 weeks.
Hi There,
I have an overseas license for the last 15 years. I am planning to get a license in Western Australia. Will I be eligible for Uber if I get a full license in Perth?
yes you will Sam
Thanks a lot for your quick reply. My question was more about if there is a waiting period or cool down period once I get the full license to be eligible for driving Uber car. Please help.
Best Regards,
Hi Kunle/Moderators,
Please help me with my question. Do I need to wait for some more time after I get my Australian license. I had my overseas license for the past 10 yrs.
Best Regards,
im looking at purchasing a car to uber.
i notice that the kia “carnival” is approved but the new “grand carnival” isnt…. is it?
also another new car that is very impressive is the LDV G10, but it isnt listed as an approved car, will it be??
also both these cars and cars im looking into are people movers so i could drive uberX and uberXL, is there any extra things (documents/insurance ect) needed to drive XL?
Yes Liam, For UberXL you need to have in-state car insurance in your name.
You must have in-state car registration. It does not need to be in your name.
You must have an in-state Driver’s License.
What exactly is meant by Social Security Number in Australia?
Ignore that comment.
Hi. I held a 6 years old New Zealand driver’s licence and I just got my NSW driver licence.
Am I eligible to work as uber in Sydney ?
you will still need to have held an Australian unrestricted driver’s licence for at least 1 year in order to partner with Uber.
I am a Permanent Resident in Australia residing in Sydney. I converted my overseas full license to NSW full license in January, 2016. Am I eligible to drive uber now or wait till January 2017 to meet the requirement of holding license for 12 months?
You need to hold a full license for a minimum period of 1 year to be eligible to drive with Uber in Australia
Hi, I had an international driver license before. From Oct 2016 I pass the driver test and get full license in NSW of Australia. Some people said the full license need to be hold for at lease one year , then you can apply for the Uber driver. Is that true ? Or can I apply for the Uber driver now ?
You need to hold a full license for a minimum period of 1 year to be eligible to drive with Uber in Australia
I’ve rammed 6 pedestrians off the road in as many years while driving (stupid people getting in my way). But I get to destination quick and I’m a good driver. Will I get extra money from Uber for being good driver and being fast?
Uber awards its drivers for being good (4.7-5 star drivers). Not necessarily fast but good and that can be judged by passengers experience. Read our blog on Keep your 5 star rating for better insight
I have overseas driven lecense 3 years and I get now Australian full lecense drive can i drive Uber
you will need to have held an Australian unrestricted driver’s licence for at least 1 year in order to drive with Uber.
I find it hard that UBER has different rules in different states in Australia. I have just moved from New Zealand and have held a full New Zealand Driver licence for the past 9 Years.
I have been in and out of the Melbourne UBER office for the past 4 weeks until just today got to know that i need to hold the VIC Driving Licence for atleast one year before i can UBER. I struggle to understand how the driving rules are different in Australia and New Zealand because you ride on the same side of the road and with exactly the same driving rules. If it means that I get a Driving history check, it can obtained from New Zealand and should be easy considering this decade we are in and the way UBER digitally operates. The Driver Accreditation requires a minimum of 6months of driving history in New Zealand or a VIC driving licence but obtaining that also doesnt help getting on the roads quicker. So apart from UBEReats do i have any other option to be able to UBERx sooner?
Unfortunately Sal, You do not have any other option
I am currently going through the process to become an Uber X driver. Everything was going well until we came to the criminal background check.
The report came back and there are 2 issues on it. I am currently aged 56 and the 2 issues were both dated in the 1970′”s, 1 was for property damage that has a conviction recorded and a $50.00 dollar fine. The 2nd issue resulted with me being put on a 2 year good behavior bond. Neither of these issues were anything to do with another person. My understanding was that criminal records were no longer valid after a 15 year period. I obviously I have the wrong information here.
In the early 1980”s I worked as a taxi driver with Yellow cabs in Adelaide. I drove taxis for 5 years before accepting a radio operators job with Yellow couriers. My last job was as a state manager for a national freight company.
Surely a police record that is almost 40 years old couldn’t be considered in the application process that goes with Uber. Could you please send me in the right direction of who to contact. I find that the people who work in the Green Project for Uber in Adelaide haven”t got the time or the power to do anything about my position.
Yours sincerely.
Rick Webber
I suggest you contact Uber directly to get this issue resolved. Visit help.uber.com
I have moved to Australia on 15th June and got my Victorian drivers license in August 2016, however I had my Indian drivers license for past 12 years and had been driving in India prior to this. I am planning to buy a new car in case if I am eligible to drive an UBER, or else will have to settle for a second hand car. Kindly confirm?
send us an email at [email protected] on what you need to be confirmed. Thanks
Good luck with Uber. I live in SE Europe and local government (paid by taxi monopolist) makes life of Uber drivers a true nightmare.
Hi, What minimum level of insurance do you require for Queensland?
Compulsory Third Party
Third Party Property
Liability insurance for people entering/leaving the taxi etc
Comprehensive Insurance
It must be Comprehensive or Third Party Property Damage car insurance, with you named as either the policyholder or as a named driver.
Hi, Holden Cruze is a valid UberX car in Brisbane, but not on the Gold Coast (60 km away).
I presume this is an oversight. I would like the potential to work both areas.
Can you kindly verify that this would be OK?
Yes, you can work in the two areas if you can mange your schedule effectively
HI ,I’m just wondering if my “driving history RECORD” is not perfect ,Am I still have a chance to get approved ? ,Everything else is fine about my car and insurance requirements .
It’s only couple of speed fine’s shown in my “driving history record” about 5 years ago ,,But does it effect on the decision to be accepted as an UBER Driver .
Thanks in Advance
It does not. One of the conditions your Background check must meet is “No speeding violations for driving 20 mph or greater over the speed limit in the past 3 years”.
Does the speed fine few years ago shown on driving record effect the approval to be Uber driver
Thank you
One of the conditions your Background check must meet is “No speeding violations for driving 20 mph or greater over the speed limit in the past 3 years”.
Is there any updates for international license?
What do you really mean? send us an email @ [email protected] with more information. Thank you.
I have just moved from New Zealand to Western Australia and have held a full New Zealand Driver licence for the past 5 years and i also have Western Australia full driving licence but not 1 year old can i drive uber in perth
probably not.
Hi There,
I am very worried, as due to small error and not noticing changed speed limit on freeway at around 12AM, I exceeded the speed limit 6 months ago. For the same reason my licence was suspended for 1 month. I am holding Victorian Licence for 4 years now and this was the first ticket and that too with suspension my bad luck, because otherwise I am very cautious on road.
And now I want to make some extra money by driving Uber, but I think this suspension will effect my eligibility. Please advise what can be done to avoid this.
If it is not considered a felony, you should be fine. I hope that answers your question. You can always email Uber in your city to confirm. (See http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-customer-service)
I’ve just arrived to Australia – Melbourne , I held an overseas license and I am intending to convert it to Australian license. Is any restrictions about years as my Australian license will be a new issued for current year. I need to know my opportunity as I’m driving 2016 car right now.
you will still need to have held an Australian unrestricted driver’s licence for at least 1 year and meet Uber’s criminal history eligibility criteria in order to partner with Uber. Click this link for more information
Just to confirm, to drive in Victoria with UBER I have to have had a Vic Licence for 12 months? What if I have had a South Australian licence for 35 years, which is currently valid and unrestricted?
you will still need to have held an Australian unrestricted driver’s licence for at least 1 year and meet Uber’s criminal history eligibility criteria in order to partner with Uber. Click this link for more information
Hi Support TEAM,
Is there any update on International Licence? Is it okay to drive with international Licence? I have held my International Licence for 6 years and last week i just got my Full NSW Licence, am i eligible to UBER? Is there any way that UBER can lift this rule since NSW RMS allows people to use to International Licence as long as it is eligible?
you will still need to have held an Australian unrestricted driver’s licence for at least 1 year and meet Uber’s criminal history eligibility criteria in order to partner with Uber. Click this link for more information
Hi! I am currently 19 years old, studying in Melbourne Victoria as an international student(India). I recently got my International Driving license, I know that you can’t drive UBER until you are 21. So should I apply for Victorian License now so as I can drive UBER when I am 21. Are there any driving hours I need to complete on Australian road so I should buy a car asap.
Yes, you can
I’m wanting to drive for Uber and I live in Perth Australia. I have a DUI on my driving record in 2012 will I be eligible ? Before I send more money.
Am sorry you cannot drive with Uber. you should be able to drive with Uber, If your DUI was more than 7 years ago.
I have a car under my husband’s name. Can I became Uber driver with that car.
Yes, as long as the vehicle meets Uber requirement and all relevant documents are available
Hi, I have long time drive,
From oveses license, Good skills, but now I have Australia full license ,but few months, I can drive uber???
No you cannot, it must be at least a year
Hi, I have all the documents including T- extension for taxi , I have a WA truck license HR-B , issued on 19-01-2017, Can I drive uber? Thank you
No you cannot
Hi, I have all the documents including T- extension for taxi , I have a WA truck license HR-B , issued on 19-01-2017, my friends recommend me as they are also driving uber . Can I become a Uber driver .Thank you so much .
Yes, you can if you have an approved vehicle and all required documents
Hi, if a car is registered and insured by a family member at a different address, would I be able to use to drive in my specified (eg same state but different )city? Thanks
Per your question,you might want to send an email directly to Uber’s customer service in your city. we have a blog post below -look within the table (in the blog post), and search for your city, to find the contact information for your particular city.
I’ve signed up, sent some of the required information. I have looked online and can’t seem to,find the “consent form”. Where can I get this uber consent form?
Per your question,you might want to send an email directly to Uber’s customer service in your city. we have a blog post below -look within the table (in the blog post), and search for your city, to find the contact information for your particular city.
If you don’t find your city information, fill out the support form here – t.uber.com/contact-form to get support directly from Uber.
I am 34 years old.i was driving car (registered in my name) in Sydney from past 8 years by my international driving licence.recently I got the residency and get the full driving license of Australia on December 2016.so am I start as an Uber driver?
To be eligible for Uber in Australia, you must have held a full and current driver licence in an Australian state or territory or in New Zealand for at least 6 months
Hello! I am Cristobal from Spain, I am going to move down under next month, probably Gold Coast or Sydney. I will have a working holiday visa certificate, that let me work legally in Australia during a year, and maybe try to get permanent resident visa as I am a qualified civil engineer.
So my intention is to get an extra job there which help me to save some money, so I would like to know if I can apply for being an Uber driver.
I will convalidate my driver license and I will get a full AU right driver license.
I am 26 years old and i have an 8 eight driver experience
Please give me an answer to: [email protected]
To be eligible for Uber in Australia, you must have held a full and current driver licence in an Australian state or territory or in New Zealand for at least 6 months
hi,do i need comprenhensive insurance for my car and how can i make appointment for inspection? thanks
To be eligible for Uber: Comprehensive or Third Party Property, your name, vehicle make and registration, policy expiration and type of cover must be visible on the document
I have held a WA licence for over a year but i am on a working holiday visa – Can i become an uber driver?
You must have held a full Australian licence for at least 12 months in the last 2 years
Hi, I will be in the same situation as Nikki, If I held a full Australian licence for at least 12 months, but im on a working holiday visa thats allows me to work in Australia, can I drive for uber? Do i need to be in australia for more than 2 years or just one year australia driving license is fine? thanks for your respond
for just one year Farid
Kunle for Uberkit.net support
Hello, I hold a valued VIC Driver’s license older than 8 years. But I am currently on 489 Visa. Do I qualify to drive Uber?
Many thanks
Yes you can
Hi, I’m a 489 visa holder in Melbourne and according to my visa I have full working rights. I also have full Australian drivers license in Victoria. I want to know whether there are any visa restrictions for me to start Uber driving.
Currently I’m doing a 6 hour job and for me to apply for the permanent residency, I have to show full time hours to Immigration which is 40 hours per week. So I’m hoping to show more 10 hours work from uber driving. To prove my working hours with Uber, is there a document or something that shows how many hours that I work for a week?
I also want to know my car (2011 Mazda Neo BL Series 1 Auto MY10) qualities to drive uber.
Unfortunately, you cannot Channa
Hi, Thanks for the reply. You mean I cannot get a document proving my working hours. Am I correct? Does the other things are ok? I mean my visa and my car model?
I am from India but i like to join Uber Australia,
what is the procedure i have to make,
request you to suggest.
Read this post for more insight http://uberkit.net/blog/how-to-become-an-uber-driver-in-australia/
I newely got Australian full license and i have my old indian license with me which is more than 3 years old and indian license verification letter is with me as well. Can i drive uber ?
please let me know asap
thank you
You can when you transfer your license. Click this link for more information
I lived in Sydney , I am interesting to becoming Uber Driver. I have my own new car less than 5 years. I have full licence.
I sign up with Uber online and provided with all documents that required. But I feel not quite sure that I am sign up the right Uber services or not because it reply email to me said that UberEats you need to come bring all documents and come to one of Uber office in Surryhill Sydney to completed my sign up. Do you have any advices that I am getting the right one or not.
Send a mail to Uber with the right service you want to join. Look within the table (in the blog post), and search for your city, to find the contact information for your particular city.
Hello ,
I got my full driving licence of NSW last month . Am I eligible to drive UBER?
All Uber drivers must have held a full licence for 12 months
Hi, I just recently got my full australian driver licence and the car to start, do I still needing the 12 months history to apply in NSW? thanks
At least 6 months
Hi I am about to join Uber as a driver in Qld, my car is registered in NSW. Will I need to change the registration to QLD to be eligible? Also I have private comprehensive insurance on my car, what type of comprehensive insurance do i need ie, private use or business use? Do I need to go to Brisbane to join Uber or not?
Regards Peter
Yes you will need to change registration. Per the insurance, it depends on the service you want to render. For UberX, you dont need a business use. However, for UberBLACK, you might need a business/commercial one.
Hi, I live in qld carins and interested in driving uber I just want to know that the following documents I currently have a full QLD licence. I am also a permanent residence of Australia. Am I eligible to drive uberblack? Please let me know by emailing me on [email protected]. Thanks
Ok Arjuna
hi, i am currently a dependant of my partner under student visa in australia (NSW),
i do have my an australian full driver’s license.
as student visa (including dependant) i am only allowed to work 20 hours a week
am i eligible to drive uber? would uber affect my working hours?
To drive an Uber, you must have had your Australian open licence for over 12 months
yes, i do held my australian drivers license more than 12 months at present. will uber driving affect my working hours if i do work 20 hours a week from a company?
I am an Australian permanent resident and I got my first probationary license in March 2013 in Sydney. I have been driving in Sydney since then. I got my full license now in March 2017. Can I become an Uber driver?
To drive an Uber, you must have had your Australian open licence for over 12 months
i just transfered my licence from nz, ihad nz licence for 1 year
am i eligible to drive uber?
To drive an Uber, you must have had your Australian open licence for over 12 months
Hi. I attached all my documents that you need at your website at Tuesday, 28th February, 2017, but I haven’t approved from uber yet.
Could you please check me.?
yongtae83**@gmail.com This is my uber ID.
I think your best bet is to go into your local Uber office and make your issue known.
Look within the table (in the blog post), and search for your city, to find the contact information (we have some addresses too) for your particular city.
Hai iam an australian resident. I have full license. Got in last october. I am in perth . Am I eligible to drive uber.my mail is glybinchac**@gmail.com
To drive an Uber, you must have had your Australian open licence for over 12 months
Hi I just had a question about tax for uber. How is it paid and do you have to have an abn number?
you can take a look at some of the posts we have online discussing Uber taxes:
http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-taxes-series-all-about-your-uber-taxes/, http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-taxes-series-perspectives-from-an-industry-expert-andrew-poulos/
I’ve been trying 20 times to upload my vehicle registration certificate in Perth & constantly get rejected. Iv taken photos, very clear, both a certified receipt when i had plates put on the car & cost me $10 for a copy of my official registration which is not due till
July but UBER will NOT ACCEPT my documents. Keeps saying its not the right one. There is only one !! & it cost me $10 to have WA transport authority to mail it to me. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SEND IF YOU WONT TAKE AN ORIGINAL FROM DPI ?????
Please stop saying its not the right one & tell me what i need to change.
We are uberkit.net (not Uber), a service for people trying to grow their uber business. Per your question, I think your best bet is to go into your local Uber office and make your issue known
I’m an international student from Malaysia study in Melbourne recently juz pass the driving test and got my VIC full license as well as a brand new car and I have held my Malaysia full license for the past 7 years, do i have the qualification to be an uber x driver?
You must have held an australian license for a year to be eligible for Uber
I want to drive uber eats in Melbourne
I have my Victorian driving license
Do i need to have 1 year old full licence ? If i want to drive uber eats in Melbourne?
No, you dont
Hi, I have been charged but not convicted of a felony. I have a court case pending for later this year. How would this affect my application to become a Uber driver?
Uber’s background check must meet criteria such as: A clean criminal background check with no felonies or misdemeanors involving theft, violence or drugs in a given time frame
But that’s not answering my question…I haven’t been convicted of a felony, I have only been charged to this point, so how would it affect my application should I apply to become an Uber driver now?
Since you haven’t been convicted it wouldn’t affect your application.
Hi there,
My name is Dj ..and i have 7 months old full victorian licence and one month old Victorian taxi licence …i want to sign up for uber ..do i still need to wait for 12 months to drive uber ?? Because somewhere i read if u are holding any local commercial license u can drive uber after 6 month …plz Guide
Yes, you are eligible for Uber after 6 months DJ
Hi I was living in Australia from 2004 to 2012 and held a Queensland licence for that time since then I have held an Irish licence and I have just returned and I am getting my Queensland licence again. I’m interested in driving with Uber would I be eligible or would it mean I would have to wait for 12 months?
You have to wait 12 months Rob
I am applying for Uber as an Australian Driver. I don’t have a birth certificate that I can locate but have my License, Medicare Card, etc. I have been in Australia since I was one year old. I am now 49. I have worked in Australia for the last 30 years.
How can I get around needing my Birth Certificate? Is it necessary if I can proof other forms of ID?
No, its not necessary Angela
I have migrated from USA and have valid USA licence which is 2 years old and have an Australian licence which is 2 weeks old. Am I eligible to drive Uber in Australia ?
The licence has to be at least 12 months old
Australian Licence or USA Licence ?
i want to be an uber driver
Hi, m driving uber for 2 years in sydney, now want to move to melbourne, hoW can i start there asap, is still i. Eed victorian licence for 2 years there??
It is the same process, Ajit
What does that mean, is i have to wait for 12 month with victorian licence, as i already hold full australian licence for 8 years now
I have just migrated to Melbourne and converted my 10+years New Zealand licence to Victorian licence two weeks ago. Am I eligible to drive Uber in Melbourne or will have to wait 12 months.
You can drive with Uber, Sunil
Hi, I would like to apply uber delivery deiver. However, I still have p plate(it’s over one year though). Am I eligible? Thanks
Unfortunately, you are not Koko
I have got my full Victorian driving license one month ago and I was driving in Melbourne for one year with overseas license. My overseas DL is 10 years old. I have a student visa with unlimited working permission. Am I eligible?
No, you are not Bijan
Kunle for uberkit.net support
May I ask how long do i need to wait to be eligible?
At least one year Bijan
Kunle for Uberkit.net
Hi. I am Uber driver currently driving in WA. I am moving to NSW soon. Can i drive Uber in NSW on same account or should i have to go through the whole induction process again. I have asked Uber Perth but they didnt have the information. Please let me know what i should do in this case.
Per your question, I think your best bet is to go into your local Uber office and make your request known.
a) Uber Customer Service
Uber generally does not give out phone numbers, we have a blog post below. Look within the table (in the blog post), and search for your city, to find the contact information (we have some addresses too) for your particular city.
If you don’t find your city information, Visit the global Uber support –[email protected] asking them to provide the address for your local office.
b) For other helpful information on Uber, go here and visit our blog-
Good Luck!
Kunle for Uberkit.net Support.
Hello , I’m Nick from Malaysia.
Can i be an Uber Driver at Melbourne please as i’m planning to Melbourne Next Month please?
I do posses International Driving Lisence which expire at 09.05.2018 and Passport which expire on 2020.
Appreciate your reply please.
[email protected]
You must have held a full driver’s licence in any Australian state or territory for at least 12 months
Kunle for Uberkit.net support
This is a tricky question…I’m Australian, held a drivers license from age 17 to 26 in QLD- at 26 I moved overseas, now returning at 36…I will receive a full QLD license upon showing my overseas one. Now, am I able to drive if I show my new QLD license and expired one from 10 years back…Surely that proves that I have ” Held an Australian license for longer than 12 months. ”??
I live in Brisbane and I am a stay at home parent. I have an open Qld license for a year now and I was wondering if I could drive Uber? I am on a student Guardian visa that expires in 5 years time. Please advise?
You must have held a full driver’s licence in any Australian state or territory for at least 12 months
Kunle for Uberkit.net Support
Hi, I submitted requested documents to uber and my questions are:
1- who will conduct criminal background check me or UBER ( status missing)? and,
2- Does UBER will apply for Private Hire Vehicle Authority (status missing)??
3- what is next step please??
Many thanks,
Hello Saad,
Uber will perform the background check. The next step will be to wait for the background check. Uber will give you further instructions
Kunle for Uberkit.net
i am an international student in perth and i got my C-class license 2-weeks ago. I’ve been driving for over 6 years back in my country. based on student-visa policy, we can work 40 hours per fortnight (20hrs/week?).
am i eligible to drive uber?
I am temporary resident here in Adelaide, got south australia full license past more than 7 month, am interested driving uber ? am elegable driving uber ?
it has to be at least 12 months, Siji
Kunle for Uberkit.net support
I have 6 month old vic licence with. DA driver accridation so can i drive uber or not pls tell thank u alot
It should be at least 12 months, Ashwani
Kunle for Uberkit.net support
I have a taxi authority can i drive Uber on this or i have to get a uber authority please be advice.
Hello, I have just moved to Sydney as a PR and with a NSW driver license (for 1 month) converted from the license of my home country, which I have been holding for more than 10 years. Does it meet the license requirement?
No Severn, you must have held the license for at least 6 months
kunle for Uberkit.net support
Hi I am on good behaviour period I got my full licence six months back they put me on good behaviour because I lost my all points on international licence my licence become one year old in July 2018 and my good behaviour also finished on same. Month am I able to drive uber x after that plz reply
Hi Bilal
We are uberkit.net (NOT Uber), a service for people trying to grow their uber business.
Per your question, you might want to send an email directly to Uber customer service in your city.
a) Uber Customer service)
Uber generally does not give out phone numbers, we have a blog post below -look within the table (in the blog post) and search for your city, to find
the contact information for your particular city.
If you don’t find your city information, fill out the support from here- t.uber.com/contact-form to get support directly from Uber.
b) For other helpful information on Uber, go here and visit our blog-
joseph for Uberkit.net support
My overseas licence is 8 years old and I converted 6 month back to nsw full licence as I lost all points on international licence after getting my full Australian licence they put me on good behaviour period 6 months remaining more for my good behaviour and my licence to be old for one year am I able to drive uber
Hi Bilal
Send an email to uber at [email protected], or to your local uber office’s email. If they don’t respond to you, go to Uber’s local office in your town, and let your concerns be known. Also,look up our blog post here : http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-customer-service/. It has information for 297+ cities across the globe.
joseph for uberkit.net support.
My brother was an Uber driver in India, and he has just moved to Melbourne, Australia.
He had a good rating here. Would it be possible for him to move his existing profile with Uber, India to Uber, Australia? And is it possible for him to carry forward his trips with Uber, India to Uber, Australia? As he wants to sign up with Grabox and they are asking for a minimum of 100 trips.
Hello Alka,
He can’t move or use his India uber account in Australia; he should visit the closet uber office for more information.
Good Luck!
Joseph for uberkit.net support.
To become a Uber driver in Australia…should I apply for visa from
Hello Javier,
If you don’t have a visa you cant live in Australia, so you need a working permit visa to work in Australia. Go to a reputable visa agency to process your visa.
Good luck!
Joseph for uberkit.net support.