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How to Become an Uber Driver in South Africa



With the growing popularity of Uber services, there are now a number of guidebooks, articles and other resources which tell you exactly how you can become an Uber driver or Uber Owner/Entrepreneur. Unfortunately, most of these resources are geared towards the U.S alone, which is troublesome for those that wish to become Uber drivers in South Africa.

If you are considering Uber in any city (in South Africa) where Uber is available, then this blog post is for you- i.e.: CAPE TOWN, DURBAN, and JOHANNESBURG. Fortunately, it isn’t as complicated a process as you would think. Let’s go over the steps you will need to take to successfully become an Uber driver in South Africa.


STEP 1 – Get your Documents Ready

First of all, you will need to prepare a few documents that are essential for you to have before you become an Uber driver. These documents include:

  • A Professional Driver’s Permit (PDP), for the city in question
    • Must be a professional drivers permit
    • Must be a local PDP, no foreign PDPs allowed.
    • Ensure the expiry date is clearly visible in the scanned copy
    • Note –not required if you plan to hire a driver to drive for you
  • Operator Card
    • The Operator card is got from the licensing department (Double Disc)
    • Note –not required if you plan to hire a driver to drive for you
  • Receipt of Application for Operating License (Business Plan Application)
    • This is obtained from the DOT (Department of Transportation)
    • Note –not required if you plan to drive/work for someone else.
  • Commercial Vehicle insurance document (if you already have a car you intend to use)
    • You (driver) must be the holder, or at least a listed driver
    • Ensure the vehicle registration number is listed
    • Must clearly show a valid expiration date
    • Must show the type of insurance which should be commercial, commercial, with third party liability of 5 million Rand per year.
  • Vehicle Certificate of Registration (if you already have a car you intend to use)
    • This is used by Uber to verify the registration year of your vehicle


STEP 2 – Signup Online

Once you have all of these documents, the next step is to sign up through the Uber website – using our link: uberkit.net/signup. (You get a signup bonus if you use our link, which has our signup referral code already pre-populated). Note – the links redirect to the correct Uber URL.


STEP 3 – Wait for Uber Background Checks

Note-if you will not be driving the Uber vehicle, ignore this section and skip to STEP-4

Uber will typically take between 6 to 8 weeks to perform their background checks (using the AFIS security database). Specifically they will take the documents provided in Step 1, and do the following.

  • A Comprehensive Criminal Background Check

Note – as part of the qualification requirements for Uber in South Africa, you need to be medically fit, and also never had your driver’s license revoked at any point in time.


STEP 4 – Get an Uber Approved Car

Note-if you are a driver looking to work for an existing Uber partner, ignore this section and skip to STEP-5

As for the vehicle to use, you need to make sure it fits the car requirements specifically for Uber drivers in South Africa (or your specific city). Note – Uber has various services, so you should know which service you are interested in before buying a car (if you do not have one). See the section below on “Selecting an Uber Service” for more information on that. Some of these requirements include the fact that the car should be no older than 4 years (A model 2012 or later). The car should also have no major cosmetic damage.

Salvaged or rebuilt vehicles cannot be used, and full-size vans or marked vehicles such as taxis are a no-no, too. Also, note, whatever vehicle you get it will have to go through an Uber approved Vehicle inspection.


STEP 5 –Interview

Once you have completed the preceding steps, you will be able to go in to the Uber office for an interview, for which you should make sure you have sufficient street and route knowledge regarding your area/city. You should be dressed professionally for this interview.

If you pass the interview, you will be invited for a training session at a specific date, after which your vehicle’s documents will be checked, and you will officially become an Uber driver and/or Uber partner.

You will also receive an Uber-issued cell phone which will have the Uber application installed on it to allow you to get clients. However, if you wish to use your own smartphone, it is perfectly fine to return the cell phone.


What to do if your vehicle does not fit Uber requirements

Keep in mind, there is no need to give up, if your personal vehicle does not fit the requirements that are necessary for an Uber vehicle—in fact, many people tend to invest in a new car before becoming professional Uber drivers.

However, I would recommend not going overboard when you are purchasing a new car to be used as an Uber vehicle. It is a good idea to select an average but sturdy car that is not a particularly new or fancy model but fits Uber’s car requirements. Note – See the “Nice to Know” section for due diligence you should probably do, before buying a car specifically for Uber.


Selecting an Uber Service

Another thing to keep in mind when you are selecting a car is which category of Uber you wish to work under.

UberX is the mid-tier cost Uber service, and it also gets the most patronage from Uber passengers across the globe for this reason. This is the category I would recommend starting out with.

However, if you want to go for one of the other categories which typically higher fares but fewer customers, then you can also go for UberBLACK or UberVAN. Just keep in mind that these services require more expensive cars/vehicles and are not as frequently used by the public.

  • UberX in South Africa: The requirements for UberX in South Africa are that you should have a car that is a model from 2006 or newer, has a minimum width of 1700mm and is an Uber approved UberX car (for example the Toyota Corolla/Quest, Hyundai Accent/Elantra, etc.)
  • Uber Black in South Africa: The requirements for Uber Black in South Africa are that you should have a car that is a model from 2012 or newer, has a minimum width of 1700mm and is an Uber approved Uber Black car (for example  one of the higher end Audi, Mercedes Sedan or BMWs)

  • UberVan in South Africa: The requirements for UberVan in South Africa are that you should have a car that is a model from 2006 or newer. This vehicle needs to seat 7 or more people and also has to be an Uber approved vehicle (for example The Mercedes Vito)

If your car happens to qualify for more than one type of Uber service, then it is possible that you get requests from several categories, but you can choose to restrict yourself to one category if that is what you want. Personally, I believe that it would be best to accept all the requests, in this case, as it will earn you a higher income.


Nice to Know

If you want to become an Uber partner in South Africa, it is necessary to be aware of the fact that you will be forking over a certain amount of money to pay for fuel.

In addition to the afore-mentioned you have other costs like car maintenance, insurance costs, car depreciation, and uber royalties. If you are looking to do proper due diligence before acquiring a car and want to assess the profitability of Uber as a business whether as a one man business (a sole Uber driver), or as an Entrepreneur with multiple Uber cars in his/her fleet, then either of our Uber Kits at the top right of the linked page:

That sums up everything you need to know to start your uber business in South Africa. While there are a few steps you will need to take before you get started, it isn’t as difficult of a process as you might think.



Other Interesting Uber Related Posts

For our blog posts on some of Uber’s Services, see the links below:

For other popular posts you might be interested in, check the links below:

For posts that are related to Uber in South Africa, check the links below:

  • List of Uber Approved Cars in Cape Town, South Africa
  • List of Uber Approved Cars in Durban,South Africa
  • List of Uber Approved Cars in Johannesburg,South Africa
How to Become an Uber Driver in South Africa

224 thoughts on “How to Become an Uber Driver in South Africa”

    1. Use this link http://uberkit.net/signup it will automatically redirect you to the uber sign up page with our referral code. Let us know if you have any issues

  1. i am also interested i want to join uber i just want clarity when it comes to the year models of the cars.is it from 2012 model to latest model according to what i saw on the website? i just want to be sure because i am planning to buy the car soon

  2. I have registered and listed my vehicle. What is the next steps to proceed. I want to be a owner driver.

    1. You have to wait for your background check to clear (per the post). Just read through the post to get the gist of what to expect.

  3. I want to be a uber driver, I don’t have a car as yet but want to drive for someone. what are my chances of getting hired-part time?

    1. Have you considered leasing a car? also have you gone through the uber driver application process (you don’t need a car for this) – http://uberkit.net/signup (it will take you to the right URL)

    1. The agency that will do your criminal background check will vary depending on the city you are in.
      For PortElizabeth here is the information – https://drive.uber.com/portelizabeth/background-check-process/
      For Johannesburg here is the information – http://t.uber.com/Jo'burgForm
      For Durban – Drivers will need to do an AFIS background check (look here –http://www.emps.co.za/)
      For Capetown – Drivers will need to do an AFIS background check (look here – http://www.emps.co.za/)

      If you are still struggling with this – send an email to UBER for your city (http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-customer-service)

  4. I would like to join Uber but i am wondering whether there is any need to have a permit. (operating permit), if yes where and how do i get it. I am in Johannesburg. The other question is about signing up on the waiting list, how do i go about it?

    1. Hi James-
      In response to your questions. See our responses below
      a) For the professional drivers permit – take a look at this URL: http://www.gov.za/node/727518 . Note-It has a link for Johannesburg and other south african cities.
      b) To get on the waiting list, just start the signup process with Uber – http://uberkit.net/signup (it should redirect you to the proper URL)

  5. I have been in prison serving 4 year for assault this was 11years ago so can and I have PRDP did chance there for me????

    1. I doubt you would pass a background test with a 4 year assault on your record. Uber requires a criminal background test to be an independent contractor (Uber driver) with them; however you can always contact Uber to be sure.

  6. I would like to buy a car and contract it with Uber. Do you only accept bikes or its only sedans /7 seaters? Do I need PDP even if I am not the driver

    1. a)Pdps would only be required for the Drivers.

      b)I don’t believe uber has a bike service in South Africa; however contact uber directly to inquire and be sure. Please let us know what their response is! I think this information would be valuable to other readers. (To contact uber, see this blog post – http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-customer-service)

    1. Take a look at one of the links at the bottom of this post under the “Other interesting Uber Related Posts” – we have unofficial Uber approved car lists for a couple of cities – Cape Town, Durban and South Africa.

      1. Hi,

        I can’t seem to see the post but I have a smiling query. I have 2016 Ford Fiesta hatchback. Can I use this car for Uber x?


  7. I would like to be a uber drive I have my own car. I have a dpd I am currently based at rustenburg North West province.

  8. Good Day

    I’ve signed up as a potential Uber partner and I won’t be driving the vehicle myself, but will be using a chosen Uber driver.

    I would appreciate your assistance with the following questions please:

    1. Can I submit the Uber Business Plan to the City of Cape Town now already, while still on Uber’s Driver Partner waiting list?

    2. What else (documents, etc) can I prepare in advance while still on Uber’s waiting list?

    3. I will be renting a vehicle initially. How will this affect all the document requirements from Uber and the other relevant parties, since I won’t actually own a vehicle myself at this stage?

    1. Hello Arno:
      Please find answers to your questions below –
      1. Can I submit the Uber Business Plan to the City of Cape Town now already, while still on Uber’s Driver Partner waiting list?

      That should be fine; however you can confirm from your local Uber cape town office – email them here – [email protected]

      2. What else (documents, etc) can I prepare in advance while still on Uber’s waiting list?

      Your PDP, if you don’t have one yet

      3. I will be renting a vehicle initially. How will this affect all the document requirements from Uber and the other relevant parties, since I won’t actually own a vehicle myself at this stage?

      Your car insurance should generally have your name as one of the listed “insured” parties, that is probably the most important one. Per the car registration, the car doesn’t necessarily have to be registered in your name (per what we have seen in most Uber cities).

  9. I’m buying a car, but don’t have a license yet. I’ve got my learners only, and Im doing driving lessons. The car I want to be will specifically be used for Uber, not myself. I will also use a driver from Uber and not drive personally. I am based in Cape Town. How can I proceed? I would like to get my car contracted with Uber asap, but the license will still take some time. Any advice please?

    1. As long as you are not driving yourself, that should be fine. You can go ahead and register to be an uber partner here to get the process going – http://uberkit.net/signup.

      1. Hi,
        I have tried to register but it says i should add company name, which company details am i adding since i want to be an UBER driver?

        1. The company name for your profile as a partner is optional. You can use your personal name if that is your preference. You may also put on a name of your company (name you will use as a partner).

  10. Why must the car be 2012 or newer? What does a 2012 Ford Ikon have that a 2011 BMW 3-series does not?

  11. Operator Card
    The Operator card is got from the licensing department (Double Disc)
    Note –not required if you plan to hire a driver to drive for you.

    am interested in being an uber partner, referring to the above statement,does this mean that i dont have to get an operator card if am not gonna drive the car?

  12. Driving Evaluation Report
    when sign up Online. The system ask me : driving evaluation report. Where do I get this?

    1. Hello Malawu

      For Johannesburg –
      See here for “driving evaluation” in Johannesburg specifically – https://drive.uber.com/joburg/documentation-needed/

      Agencies approved
      – DriversEd, [email protected]
      – Driving.co.za, [email protected]
      bookwhen.com/driverworks, [email protected]

      For Capetown –
      Screening checks only take place at scheduled times. Once your/(your driver’s) PrDP have been uploaded, it will take 3 working days to be approved and to get their invitation to the screening check.

      The location where screening checks take place is:

      Polygraph Truth,
      15 Carlisle Street
      Paarden Eiland
      CTI Business Park 2

      For other cities in South Africa – just shoot an email to your local city support. See our blog post here on how to get in contact with your local Uber support – http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-customer-service

  13. I would like to become an uber driver,I’m very interested but my problem is I’m not owning any vehicle due to unemployment and I’m in durban what can I do

  14. want to be a uber
    driver, I don’t have a car
    as yet but want to drive
    for someone. what are
    my chances of getting
    hired-part time?

  15. I want to become a partner of uber or a driver for someone car but I have a foreign driver’s license and I have a learners licence for South Africa is there any chances for me

        1. Hello Tebogo,

          To become an Uber driver sign up through the Uber website – using our link: http://uberkit.net/signup. (You get a signup bonus if you use our link, which has our signup referral code already pre-populated).

          Best Regards,
          Joseph for uberkit.net support.

  16. Hi Im Interested in becoming an uber driver. How long is the waiting list? and what exactly is an operating card? is it an operating license? How much does it cost to register? Once an uber driver stops working, can you take his slot over or does his spot get refreshed?


  17. Hi I would like to join Uber and find out if they are in East London. If not what can we do to start the process.

  18. Hi.. I have a hyundai 2005 1.6 model car and want to become an uber driver. Can you assist me with the registering process please.

  19. Can women become uber drivers too ? Is there an user service in George in the Southern Cape ?

  20. I am in the process of getting my documents together to qualify to be a Driver. There is something that worries me that I read. In the Required Documents sections, When you say: “A Professional Driver’s Permit (PDP), for the city in question”

    Do these permits differ from City to City within South Africa? Will a PDP acquired in Bloemfontein not work in Johannesburg?

    1. It shouldn’t matter what city you get your PrDP. As long as it is South African.

  21. I have registered as a partner, I will be hiring a driver. What is the next step,
    I will be buying a vehicle soon. Which model must it be? Do I also need a PrDP as the partner.

    1. Hello Zimkhitha:
      The next steps would be
      a) Wait for your account to be approved. I assume you read the post and have gone through all the necessary steps.

      b) You can look at the list of vehicles at the bottom of the post above.

      c) If you are not going to be doing the driving – you don’t need a PrDP.


  22. Hi there ,

    Kindly assist me with an e-mail of the Uber Johannesburg campus.

    Thank you.

  23. Hi there,

    I am interested in becoming an uber driver. I have a 2016 Ford Fiesta hatchback. I would like to know if the car qualifies (it seems to do from the width and car age requirements, but would like confirmation from you guys) and I saw a statement on the Uber Gauteng page reading “Due to increased demand, Uber Gauteng will not be accepting new partners or vehicles at this time…”, can you please tell if this is still the situation at the moment?


  24. I am at Pretoria went to Dot and they send me to Licensing authority where I was told they don’t register ubet.Plese help me

    1. Go here – http://uberkit.net/signup to register to become an uber partner in Pretoria

  25. Hi, I bought a Nissan MICRA 2012 in Accident Cars. The Cars had a small knock and the fender went off. The bumper was damaged too. Guess what the Airbags popped too. I have fixed all this. The car is new like New!. Nobody can tell! Can this Car Qualify to do Uber services?

  26. And please come again! Did you say! Hatchbacks are not allowed on Uber platform?

    1. Per Uber Johannesburg on May 31st 2016 – “We do NOT accept hatchbacks or vehicles with any cosmetic damage. All vehicles must have a working radio, air con[ditioner] and [at least] four doors”.

      1. Hi Malik,

        I have 2004 Mercedes compressor c200, still in s goos condition and never had a breakdown. Can i use it to join UBER?

        1. Probably NOT Jacqui. You can Send a message to Uber through your Uber app to get a definitive answer.


  27. Good day.
    Can you please explain to me what happens in the driver-partner certification process, as I am waiting to be notified to attendCan you please explain to me what happens in the driver-partner certification process, as I am waiting to be notified to attend it.
    Is it a training course? I already have someone that I am gonna work for, he is a partner.

    1. Per Uber Johannesburg as at June 16th – “This session is part of your onboarding process. It will be a session were you can be activated after that session. It is likely to be more of a learning session rather than a training session”. I hope that answers your question!

  28. hi i want to become uber partner however i do not have a vehicle i have already registered to be a driver and uploaded my prdp i just want to know can i lease a vehicle while still waiting for uber to approve me or i must wait till is approved then that is when i can applly?

    1. I would advise you wait till you are approved before you lease a vehicle. You don’t know how long the approval process will take and you also don’t know if you would be approved to be an Uber partner.

  29. Hi

    Please assist I have a 2015 Toyota Corolla 1.6 CVT Prestige and would like to register my vehicle for Uber. I will not be the driver, Will Uber be assigning a driver or would I have to employ a driver.

    How does it work and how do I apply

    1. Per Uber Johannesburg as at June 29th 2016 – “As of the moment, we don’t pair a driver to a certain partner. We can just provide you a list of drivers to choose from so you can get in touch with them to conduct further interview to see if that certain person fits your liking”.

  30. Hi Malik,

    I am in the process of buying a Toyota corolla, I am not a big fan of the Corolla but it makes business sense.
    I want to register the car as an Uber, how long does the entire process take and can i actually register?

    Thanks for this blog its very insightful


    1. You might want to verify that you are approved as an Uber partner before investing in a car. Some cities have a wait-list for Uber partners.

  31. good day how long is the uber waiting process after completion of everything in capetown. do u still need uber partners though?

    1. In general, it should not show up for public searches; however, law enforcement departments should still have access to it. Hope that helps. I think the summary is, you should be fine from an Uber background check perspective; however, if not – you just need to send them documentation that the “record” has been expunged.

  32. Hi there

    I would like to become a driver for someone’s car. Where can I find owners? Also what is an “operator card” is this different from pDp – I have a temp pDp. If yes, where do I obtain the “operator card”?

    Whatelse is required apart from PDP?

    Also what is the waiting period for me to become a driver?

  33. Hi. What is the expected time that one can wait to be approved as an Uber Partner in Johannesburg. I don’t intend to drive.
    Also – is there a BEE consideration for Partners?

    1. I believe there is a waiting list currently for Johannesburg. So the ETA is unknown. Send an email to “[email protected]” and they might be able to give you a specific time period.

  34. how long does it take you to get done with the whole process of registration and start working ?
    if you want to employ someone to drive your car, what are the procedures to follow?
    I am interested in this business, its a good way to start doing business.

    1. Most cities in South Africa have a waiting list. Just sign up if you want to be an uber driver. As far as i know, there is no set time when the waiting list will clear up.

  35. when I select the city on the application form as a driver it says that the city is invalid how can I fix this

  36. Hi Malik, thanks for the informative blog. My question is I currently live in Johannesburg South Africa, I have a drivers licence of more than 15 years issued from Zimbabwe my home country, now I have been issued with a South African drivers licence, I intend to join my fiancee in the USA but still want to be gainfully employed. Will my experience as a driver in both South Africa and Zimbabwe be considered favorably towards me ?. Thank you

  37. Just want to find out about the driver requirements to be able to qualify for being an Uber driver.
    More spesifically what is the age requirement? I read that in the United States the age requirement is 21. What about South Africa?

  38. Just want to find out about the driver requirements to be able to qualify for being an Uber driver.
    More specifically what is the age requirement? I read that in the United States the age requirement is 21. What about South Africa?

  39. Hi Malik
    Thanks for an awesome site and the info.
    I have done all the required steps, and I have a 2012 A4 in like new condition. I got a response telling me that my car is too old, which is contrary all the info i have seen about registering an Uber in South Africa. Please let me know how to find out why this is the case.
    Many thanks

  40. halo i want to b an uber driver but dont own a car ,im in johannesburg ,with all rellevant papers,i have tried to regester on line but only ending at 50% ,may u please send contact details of the nearest uber office so that i can go direct and regester.u a welcome to send them to my email ,

  41. i want to know if its possible for me to rent-out my car for Uber services?

    re-posted as email was incorrect.

  42. I would love to be Uber partner Owner as, i am finding it very exiting to drive GAUTENG people around as a driver. Meeting different types of people with different carrectores i love it,at the same time making money. I hope it might be sooner than later. I would like to also thank Uber for creating this platform opportunity for us.

  43. Hi there, using the uber services payment is cash or card. When u hire a driver how is the cash controlled when customers pay with cash. Are there control measures other than only opting for card payment.

  44. hie i have a new sa drivers licence with pdp and holder of a 7 year driver experience on my zimbabwean licence how do i start the process for being an uber driver

  45. Good day
    Going into 2017 will 2013 vehicles still be accepted? Also is ANY type make of four door saloon of the appropriate year accepted?

    1. Hi there Sandro, Uber’s list of vehicle requirements are not static, and can sometimes shift suddenly — so, if you’re thinking on using a particular vehicle year, make sure to contact your local affiliate (http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-customer-service) to double-check that your Saloon’s model year meets the Uber car year requirements in South Africa.


  46. Hi,
    I’m very interested on driving with Uber, i tried to register online but it demanding my company’s name and address whitch i don’t have …please advice

  47. i am finding it difficult to sign up to become a driver, it will not load pass Company information. Please assist

  48. Hi, I registered a profile and was put on the waiting list months ago. I keep getting SMSs that it is peak season and i need to complete my profile. But how do I make 100% that that means I am on top of the list? there are NO telephone numbers I can find to call for confirmation and I do not just want to go purchase vehicles if I am technically still on the list? Can you assist?

    1. The only thing you can really do is wait for a response from Uber in your local city. There are waiting lists in a number of cities in south africa, and you have very little influence in changing that, as far as i can tell.

  49. Hi there,

    do you have an estimate of how much it will cost to start with uber, such as getting your Prdp etc.

    also will a 2013 polo 1.4 with 4 free doors be accepted.

    thank you.

    1. to sign up for Uber is free if you meet all the requirements. Yes Nicole, you can use a volkswagen Polo 2013 to drive with Uber


  50. Good Evening,

    Is it possible for one to work as a part time driver for somebody else? I have a full time job and would be interested to drive on an alternative week basis. Please clarify if this is possible.

  51. I am 22 years old ,want to get into Uber but have someone else drive for me . Do i have to register a businesses , I am in located in South Africa , Gauteng Province ,Midrand City . If so What type of business do i have to Register ??

  52. Good morning,

    My son applied through driverworks here in Jhb, went for an interview in May this year, passed the background check, driver evaluation test and went for the training. They said that it takes 6-8 weeks for him to be partnered with somebody. In the meanwhile he is keeping busy transporting school children daily and driving for Goodfellas in the evenings. Schools are closing so this would be good time for him to officially start with Uber but we get no reply from driverworks via email ad there’s no contact numbers.

    What would you suggest? I mean we are bit confused because before he went for the Driveworks interview he has already set up a uber profile. When he passed the test they told him that they will be setting up a profile and he should check that is his new profile in couple of weeks. He lost and couldn’t remember the password they gave him, we send a few emails to ask but to no avail.

    Where does he go to from here? Can you help?

    Many thanks

    Suenet Preston

  53. Hi,

    I will like to know if I can use Toyota etios 2013 or Chevrolet Aveo 2013 for uber please.


  54. Thank you Kunle,

    Can you please give me the list of the cars that can be used for Uber X.

    Thanks bro.

  55. I’m interesting in joining uber as a partner. I’d like to know if uber is taking any new partners

  56. Hi there, I would like to start up and become an UBER partner, I want to purchase about 2 cars to start with ( somerset West area)
    Do I need to register a company 1st ( example a PTY)?
    The online application ask for company name? https://bonjour.uber.com/
    However the Business plan (pdf) Management summary: Company Name or name of individual applying?

    Not sure what to do?
    Kind regards

  57. Hi, I have applied to be an uber partner and a driver. I have decide to have add a new driver and I have invited one. I need to know how long will it take for him to get going after uploading a PrDP and drivers license in his account. I also need to know if my car will be approved without myself being driver. I need to know how long is the process of car approval in Durban after the documents has up loaded.

    Kind regards

    1. Yes i suggest you go with the new driver. There is a waiting list to manage the order of vehicle activations. Get Your Vehicles In the Queue by clicking this link


  58. Hi,
    I have applied for my car to join Uber. All documents has been uploaded. At fist I applied as a driver but later on I decided to add a new driver. Now I have just received and invite for assessment from Uber.
    1. Is it okay if I book and I send a new drive that was added on my profile? The PDP that was uploaded is also his anyway.
    2. How long does it take to have your car active as an Uber car in Durban?

    Kind regards

    1. Yes you can send the new driver. There is a waiting list to manage the order of vehicle activations. Get Your Vehicles In the Queue by clicking this link


  59. I created a profile and registered for uber to start working as a driver. I uploaded my prdp and now waiting on response. I wrote to uber asking what else I have to upload as a driver and they said only prdp and stated that my uber profile is set up as a partner not a driver. How do I change my profile from Partner to driver as I can’t find an option to change it.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

  60. Hi, i would like to join Uber i’m currently owning Toyota Corolla 2016 Model and i have Toyota Avanza 2013 Model. My question in terms of revenues, how do i make profit and approximatley how much per week per month?

  61. Hi

    What is the waiting period time frame for a response after joining the list?
    Is Durban and Jhb accepting new partners at this time?

  62. Any possibility of operating in Bloemfontein in the near future? if so, Im interested in becoming a partner

  63. Any possibility of operating in Bloemfontein in the near future? if so, I need to be a partner

  64. Hi so i have registered to become a Uber partner and i was told that there was a backlog and they would get back to me i haven’t heard anything again yet please can you assist me ?

    1. We are uberkit.net (not Uber), a service for people trying to grow their uber business.
      Per your question, I think your best bet is to go into your local Uber office and make your issue known.Look within the table (in the blog post), and search for your city, to find the contact information (we have some addresses too) for your particular city.


  65. Hi uber

    Ive done driver evaluation and background checks a month ago and paid the R260 which included my fingerprints. Uber sent me a message again to go for fingerprints and screening. I have uploaded my driver evaluation certificate onto my profile.
    What is the uber support email address for Cape Town. My emails keep bouncing back.

  66. I own CLA 250 4matic I would like to be a partner for Pretoria but at the moment you are not accepting uber black requests do you have an estimate time when will uber black requests be accepted again or I should just register for X with the CLASS?

    1. It can be approved for UberX. Contact Uber directly to know the estimated time UberBLACK request will be accepted again


  67. Good day

    I have registered as a uber driver & partner in Pretoria please inform me what’s the procedure to folow now.
    Do you have openings in Pretoria
    Kind regards

  68. Gòod day
    U have not answered my post of 23 April please advise.
    How do i change my email address
    Kind regards

  69. Good day.

    Please can you advise me on how I can register for uber partner. I have Ford focus saden 2016 model.I’m not planning to drive the car my self, i would like uber to recommend a drive for me once the registration is finalized.

    Your kindly assistance will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.
    Best regards,
    K Chavalala

  70. Hi I own a 2012 BMW 3 series it’s doing 115000km on the clock can it be acceptable for uber black? I’m in Johannesburg South Africa

    1. Yes Lawrence. It has to have black interior and exterior


  71. Mr name is Benjamin Tshabalala ID 5208225493083 and my contact numbers are as follows, 0766025387. I did my first training with Lejoe driver consultant and they confirmed that they will send the results and background checks to Uber. Later I went to Uber to find out if they have received my documents. I was informed by Uber that they did not receive any documents. In February 2017 and March respectively, I went to Driver ED I started the process again seeing that Lejoe is not responding. I followed the same process and they told me to wait for Uber to contact me. It is now over 3 months, and I went to Uber offices last week to check if Driver ED has sent the required paper work. When I arrived at Uber offices, I have been informed by Uber officials that they have not received any correspondence from Driver ED in connection with my application. I have already paid to Driver’s consulting companies money to process my application to you without success. Will you assist me to follow up?

    I do not know what to do because I want this driver’s process completed so that I can start with my work.

    1. Sorry for the late response, we have been catching up on our emails. We are uberkit.net (not Uber), a service for people trying to grow their uber business.
      Per your question, I think your best bet is to go into your local Uber office and make your issue known.
      a) Uber Customer Service
      Uber generally does not give out phone numbers, we have a blog post below. Look within the table (in the blog post), and search for your city, to find the contact information (we have some addresses too) for your particular city.
      If you don’t find your city information, Visit the global Uber support –[email protected] asking them to provide the address for your local office.


  72. Hi I am truck driver but am tired of the long distances and never being home and have decided to try the Uber driving thing
    my pdp has expired but do not want to spend the money to renew it if it is not needed for a job because a pdp for code EC is very expensive how do i go about to become a uber driver i will do my pdp if they say the will approve me conditionally like i should get my pdp, because a pdp does not take long to get basically in 2 days
    how would i go about to do this, a\i also do not have my own vehicle for this thus wants to partner or drive for a person or company that give vehicle
    i also looked at those vehicle rentals will a uber driver make enough to make a living pay petrol and pay a weekly rental that is indicated by these companies, i have tried to look at all your sites on income and no where it is clear what does uber drivers make in south africa on average per week to cover these costs, but a lot is said about the american uber drivers

    please assist with more detailed info

    thank you
    Ernest Strachan

  73. By I would like to join under as an owner , and I ave my own driver what r the steps that I need to take? I am based in Pretoria, south africa

    1. Hello Terry:

      What Uberkit.net does is provides validated information that would help Entrepreneurs start/grow their uber business. Specifically it addresses the needs of business minded people who want to have a multi-car Uber business, and not necessarily drive themselves.
      a) Uberkit.net Information products (How to grow your fleet of Uber Vehicles):
      For Entrepreneurs trying to start/grow their fleet of Uber cars we have analyzed both businesses (uberX and UberBlack), and provide validated information helpful, if you want start/grow your business.
      • Go here to download our kits
      1. http://uberkit.net (uberX)
      Click the Product details link at the top of the page for specifics on what is included in this kit – http://uberkit.net/#pricing-table

      2. http://uberkit.net/uberblack.php (uber Black)
      Click the Product details link at the top of the page for specifics on what is included in this kit –

      • Then click the download button at the top right of the page, for each respective page.
      Just an FYI –
      The Uber Black service already incorporates direct management of drivers through the Uber platform. Having drivers through UberX however involves an indirect management model which we have validated at Uberkit.net.

      b) For other helpful information on Uber, go here and visit our blog-

      Let us know if you need any more information from us, and we will be sure to provide whatever help we can.
      Kunle for Uberkit.net Support.

  74. I own a 4×4 Isuzu Dubble Cab, model 2008, in spotless condition, 56,000 km on the clock. I am situated on the West Coast, near Vredenburg-Saldanha. I can transport 3-4 passengers between Cape Town and present surroundings. I can also drive grade 1 and 2 4×4 trips around Western Cape. I do not have a problem adhering to all the Uber requirements. Can Uber accommodate me as an owner driver?

  75. Hi
    I recently bought a scooter and i want to became an uber partner. I have downloaded the uber app and created an account. So does that mean am registered? If not how do i register? If yes how do i confirm am registered/active

    1. Please find the links below that would hopefully provide more information for you on how to become an uber driver:
      a) How to become an Uber driver
      • Go here to immediately become an Uber driver: http://uberkit.net/signup
      • For more information on how to become an uber driver and what to expect, go here: http://uberkit.net/blog/become-an-uber-driver/
      b) About Uber Insurance
      To see commonly answered questions about Uber insurance, see our post by Eugene J. Solomon, an insurance expert with over 25 years of experience

      c) The different Uber Services explained
      Go here to find out more information on the various Uber services available

      d) How much do Uber drivers make
      To find out how much UberX drivers make, check out our blog post below

      e) For other helpful information on Uber, go here and visit our blog-
      Let us know if you need any more information from us.
      Kunle for Uberkit.net Support.

  76. Hie,

    I want to drive with uber here in Capetowni but i don’t have my own personal vehicle, what can i do?

    1. Some Car Leasing Programs:
      Here are a couple of programs you should look into, if you are considering leasing/renting a car:
      • Flexdrive – This is a car leasing program in partnership with Uber
      • JoinBreeze – This is a leasing program that allows you to return a car with 2 weeks’ notice.
      • Also take a look at our blog post here: http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-car-lease/


      Kunle for Uberkit.net support

  77. Hi!
    Please assist, is it possible that you can lease the car while you never even had a single trip in uber app.
    @ PTA

  78. I just applied to become an uber driver in Johannesburg. How long will it take for me to get a slot? Please kindly advise.

    1. Due to increased demand from partners and drivers, Uber’s waiting list is depended on the amount of application received that period

      Kunle for Uberkit.net support

  79. Hi. I have signed up with Uber about two months ago, not to drive myself but to have drivers. My profile is on but it says onboarding and i am not sure what steps to follow to active my profile/slot. Could you please assist me?
    Thank you.

    1. Per your question, I think your best bet is to go into your local Uber office and make your issue known.

      Kunle for Uberkit.net support

  80. Hi , I am a 30 female , residing in the north west. I would like to become a uber owner but the limitations of the cities is just too bad. When will uber be made available in areas like klerksdorp. The main purpose is for people to travel more comfortable and even when one is unable to drive themselves or even a group of friends and those services should not be limited to smaller towns. This is a great business opportunity… who wouldn’t want to be part of it

  81. I if you have a record on your name even if it is not minor violation is it ok will still be able to drive for uber

    1. Hi Shana
      No more than 3 minor moving violations in the last 3 years.
      Minor driving violations are the more ordinary moving violations that result in small tickets or warnings. Uber will reject you if you have 3 or more of these on your record in the last 3 years.

      Joseph for uberkit.net support

    1. Hello Mandisi,

      If you are an uber partner, the person is asking if you have any available cars for lease, but some time that’s not the case if the person is not a registered uber driver and is looking for a short-cut or didn’t Meet the requirement or failed background checks, which is against uber policy.

      People look for easy way to become uber driver or partner most especially in Africa country.

      In the spirit of fair and open access to the system, we have set out the following guidelines to limit the abuse of Uber Profiles and “slots” / “software licenses”.

      You may not sell, rent or transfer your Uber profile or “slot” / “software license”, as this is against Uber Partnership Terms and Conditions.
      Any partner that is identified doing this risks profile deactivation.

      Visit this link for more information- https://www.uber.com/en-ZA/drive/resources/vehicle-onboarding/

      Joseph for uberkit.net support.

  82. I have a sd licence, can i use that to become a driver, or do I need an SA licence, and if so, how do I go about it.

    1. Hello Jaun,

      You need to have a valid South African Professional driving permit (PrDP) to drive for uber. Visit uber local office in your city for assistance on how to get the drivers license.

      Uber generally does not give out phone numbers; we have a blog post below. Look within the table (in the blog post), and search for your city, to find the contact information for your particular city – http://uberkit.net/blog/uber-customer-service/

      Joseph for uberkit.net support.

  83. Hi

    I just want to confirm. I want to join Uber as a driver am waiting for my PDP to be finalized which would be next we Monday. Would it make sense to go directly to Uber head office with the documents in the meantime or should I wait for the Licence department?

    1. Hello Fabian,

      you have to wait for the licence department to get your PDP before signup for uber.


      Joseph for uberkit.net support.

    1. Hello Maria,

      Hatchbacks are generally not approved for UberX but some are approved for UberGO services. You can visit your local Uber office to verify if its approved for your city.

      Uber generally does not give out phone numbers; we have a blog post below. Look within the table (in the blog post), and search for your city, to find the contact information for your particular city.



      Joseph for uberkit.net support.

  84. I have a 2014 VW Touran.
    Can the vehicle be used for UBER.



    1. Hello Kamogelo,

      There is no fee required when signing up with uber, but there are other requirements and document you need as a vehicle owner and they might incur cost. Each countries have different uber requirement, i suggest you visit your local uber office make inquires.

      Good Luck!

      Joseph for uberkit.net support.

  85. I am the business owner of an air conditioning company in Cape Town; I do I become a supplier to Uber to service your vehicles?

    1. Hello Glynis,

      You need to visit your local uber office in Cape Town to summit your proposal.

      Good Luck!

      Joseph for uberkit.net support.

  86. Hi.

    How long do you wait for an uber driver slot in Johannesburg? Do you know what the message will say when you are approved to drive your own vehicle for uber and how they will send it? Thanks

    1. Hello Rob,

      1. You have to keep checking back at your local uber office for available slot once a month.

      2. Uber will send you an email and sms let you know your driver account have been activated. Also the status of your account will go from pending to active on your uber driver app.

      Good Luck!

      Joseph for uberkit.net support.

  87. Hi there. What are the cost for driver test by uber? And also do i pay uber vehicle inspection?

    1. Hello Terrance,

      1. You have to pay for the cost of the driving competency test and screening session which cost R150.

      2. Note that Uber does not cover inspection costs and R185 should be paid at the test center when completing the inspection.

      3. Yes you can register with uber using a temp Prdp.

      Good Luck!

      Joseph for uberkit.net support.

  88. Hello I want to join uber eats with or without a bike what exactly must I do (2)do I need a motorbike license because I am having code 10(3) if using my own bike must I buy it first before being approved because I am afraid to loose money buying the motorbike

    1. Hello Thabo,

      1. You need to have a bike or car to become an UberEat partner.

      2. You don’t need a motorbike license, your code 10 license will do.

      3. You need to buy the bike before signing up. You can use your personal car if you have one or a friends car.

      Good Luck!

      Joseph for uberkit.net support.

  89. hi, i have an international drivers license and traffic register
    but don’t have a car, can i be an uber driver with that?

    1. Hello Ray,

      I just sent you an email on how to get a car in South Africa.

      Best Regards,

      Joseph for uberkit.net support.


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